Friday 15 October 2010

Common Injuries. Recognize common pet ailments in the field.

How do canine first aid needs differ from human needs? 
Dogs have a higher metabolic rate than humans. Their respiration and heart rates are considerably faster. Performing CPR on a dog differs from the procedure used on humans. Many over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be fatal for pets so becoming aware of these issues and others are key. However, some over-the-counter medicines can be very useful in alleviating discomfort and restoring health to a sick or injured dog. Knowing which over-the-counter drugs are beneficial and the proper dosages is extremely important, once again due to the dog's higher rate of metabolism. Also bandages for pet specific wounds will require different size dressings due to their fur and body configurations. Additionally, the types of wounds most often sustained by pets are quite different than the type of wounds sustained by humans.
How do Ruff Wear's First Aid Kits differ from a typical human first aid kit? 
Ruff Wear's First Aid Kits are specifically designed to address the needs of pets. The contents of a human kit are basically useless on fur and information that may be provided in a human kit does not apply to animals. Any first aid kit is only as good as the information provided or the knowledge of the caregiver. All of Ruff Wear's First Aid Kits contain our Quick Guide to Animal Emergencies. This excellent guide was written utilizing information provided by several veterinarians as well as search and rescue personnel. Their input allowed us to create a first aid kit that is informative, addresses the most common ailments, and contains a wide array of dressings allowing the care giver to treat everything from a split toenail to broken bones.
How can I be best prepared before heading out with my dog? 
Just as you would educate yourself on human first aid before the need arises, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of your Ruff Wear First Aid Kit. Read the enclosed Quick Guide to Animal Emergencies thoroughly prior to heading out, and keep the first aid kit with you when on the go with your dog. Anytime you are out of range of a vet, you need to be prepared to treat your dog. The following questions and answers give you an idea of the type of medical situations you may encounter while exploring the great outdoors with your four legged friend.

                      Performance Outdoor Gear for Dogs

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