Gently cleans and deodorizes your dog’s ears.
Statistics show that ear infections are the number one reason why dog owners visit the vet. It often takes multiple visits to eliminate the problem which is not only frustrating (for both dog and owner) but it’s also very expensive.
The best way to prevent a dog’s ear infection is to start a regular home cleaning regimen. This not only helps to stop infections before they start but it also keeps the owner in tune with the condition of the dog’s ears.
To help dog owners combat ear infections happytails has created Ear Aid, a dual-action program that works to clean, deodorize, and protect a dog’s ears. It’s easy to use, all natural, highly effective and extremely affordable!
The program consists of two steps. The first is an external cleaning of the ears and the second is a serum that goes into the ear canal to heal delicate tissue and protect from bacteria.
Step One: Clean and Deodorize
Ear Wipes are a convenient way to clean your dog’s delicate ears. The pre-moistened pads contain colloidal silver, an all natural ingredient that suppresses bacteria, and witch hazel, which has been used for generations to safely cleanse and sanitize. Our botanical blend gets rid of dirt, wax and debris while reducing unpleasant odors.
Step Two: Heal and Protect
A few drops of this antibacterial/antimicrobial formula will break down wax buildup that can often be a breeding ground for infections. Ear Clear contains arnica and chaparral oils to decrease the pain and discomfort caused by swelling. It also contains organic comfrey and calendula which soothes, heals and protects. Add a touch of essential oil of lavender to remove unpleasant odors and you have a complete solution for ear health.
These statements have nor been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Happytails products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Buy This Product from
Happy Tails 2-Part Ear Aid for Only £24.50
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