Friday 15 October 2010

Rest Stop! Offer the right amount of food, water, and exercise while on the road.

What is the best method for food and water management while traveling? 
The best carrying system is one that is convenient for the owner, allowing you to tend to your pet's needs with ease. Food and water are key and not always available along travel routes. Always keep plenty of fresh water in a spill resistant bowl that is accessible to your pet as well as a larger container for refills. Follow your feeding routine to maintain the eating schedule your dog has become accustomed to and stick to the food you use at home. Resist the temptation to feed your dog miscellaneous snacks and road food, you will all be much happier. Ruff Wear has addressed the need for food and water while on the road with our new Growler!" and Growler Cinch Top!" which hold 6.25 quarts or 25 cups of dry food as well as our Original Collapsible Food and Water Bowls.
How often should you offer your dog water while on the road? 
Always! Water is the key to your dog's health. In addition to the obvious health benefits, hydration helps to maintain a normal temperature and proper digestion. Always bring extra water for your dog in addition to your own needs so neither of you gets thirsty. If you suspect that your dog is becoming dehydrated, pull straight up on the skin on the back of the neck and release the skin. If the skin does not immediately fall back into place, chances are your dog is dehydrated.
How often should you stop and exercise your dog on road trips? What is a reasonable driving time before you should give them a break from the car? 
This will depend on the individual dog. A good rule is: if you need a break, so does your dog. When you stop make sure you are safely off the road and away from traffic. Always have a leash on hand if there are cars or other dogs in the vicinity. Also, keep a close eye on them at rest stops or roadside areas. Often these areas have suspect food and water sources or flora and fauna that you want to keep your dog away from.
What are the essential items you need to bring along while traveling with your dog? 
Here's a checklist:
• Food
• Water
• Food & Water bowls
• Collar
• Identification tags
• Dog Bed
• Leash
• Vaccination records
• Training Aids & Toys
• K-9 First Aid Kit™
Additional supplies depending on the destination and activities:
• Kennel/Crate
• Pad or Bedding
• Bark'n Boots™
• Dog Back Pack
• K-9 Float Coat™
• K-9 Overcoat™
If you're traveling far from home should you bring any health information or identification? 
Always keep your dog's collar and tags on. If the dog is lost in unfamiliar territory the tags may be your only hope to reuniting you with your dog. Identification tags should include a phone number that has a local contact if possible or a number where a caller can leave a message that can be retrieved while on the road. Bring along a current health certificate available through your veterinarian. If your journey takes you across borders, become familiar with quarantines that may exist in the countries you will be visiting as well as any quarantines that may exist when returning. Whenever you travel with your dog it is wise to pack along a record of vaccinations. This information can prove invaluable when you least expect it.
After reading all of these suggestions you may think twice about including your pup on your next adventure. Don't despair, traveling with your four-legged friend(s) can be extremely rewarding. With a little common sense, using the information provided here and by developing your own routine you and your dogs will become inseparable traveling companions with stories and tales that will have your friends howling.

                      Performance Outdoor Gear for Dogs

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